Sarah NewmanAge: 59 years1801–1861
- Name
- Sarah Newman
- Given names
- Sarah
- Surname
- Newman
- Married name
- Sarah Cuzzins
Birth | June 13, 1801 |
Marriage | Charles Cuzzins — View this family 1824 (Age 22 years) |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Lucy Cousins 1826 (Age 24 years) |
Birth of a daughter #2 | Mary Ann Cousins April 10, 1832 (Age 30 years) |
Birth of a son #3 | Charles Cousins December 1, 1833 (Age 32 years) |
Birth of a son #4 | William Edward Cousins 1835 (Age 33 years) |
Birth of a daughter #5 | Elizabeth Cousins 1840 (Age 38 years) |
Birth of a son #6 | John Cousins March 21, 1842 (Age 40 years) |
Marriage of a child | William Edward Cousins — Fanny Boland — View this family 1856 (Age 54 years) |
Marriage of a child | Charles Cousins — Turtle Kite — View this family Type: Religious marriage February 6, 1860 (Age 58 years) |
Death | before 1861 (Age 59 years) |
Family with Charles Cuzzins |
husband |
Charles Cuzzins Birth: about 1800 46 45 — Fugglestone, Wiltshire, England Death: |
herself |
Sarah Newman Birth: June 13, 1801 — Fisherton Anger, Wiltshire, England Death: before 1861 |
Marriage: 1824 — Fisherton Anger, Wiltshire, England |
3 years daughter |
Lucy Cousins Birth: 1826 26 24 — Fisherton Anger, Wiltshire, England Death: |
6 years daughter |
Mary Ann Cousins Birth: April 10, 1832 32 30 — Fugglestone, Wiltshire, England Death: 1912 — Victoria, Australia |
20 months son |
Charles Cousins Birth: December 1, 1833 33 32 — Bemerton, Wiltshire, England Death: |
2 years son |
William Edward Cousins Birth: 1835 35 33 — Bemerton, Wiltshire, England Death: |
6 years daughter |
Elizabeth Cousins Birth: 1840 40 38 — Fugglestone, Wiltshire, England Death: |
2 years son |
John Cousins Birth: March 21, 1842 42 40 — Bemerton, Wiltshire, England Death: |