Mary CousinsAge: 10 years1757–1767
- Name
- Mary Cousins
- Given names
- Mary
- Surname
- Cousins
Birth | 1757 51 |
Death of a father | John Cousins November 1766 (Age 9 years) |
Burial of a father | John Cousins November 28, 1766 (Age 9 years) |
Death of a mother | Mary Tucker February 1767 (Age 10 years) |
Burial of a mother | Mary Tucker February 28, 1767 (Age 10 years) |
Death | 1767 (Age 10 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
John Cousins Birth: 1706 32 34 Death: November 1766 — Bemerton, Wiltshire, England |
mother |
Mary Tucker Death: February 1767 — Bemerton, Wiltshire, England |
Marriage: September 3, 1729 — Warminster, Wiltshire, England |
11 years elder brother |
John Cousins Birth: before December 29, 1740 34 — Bemerton, Wiltshire, England Death: |
3 years elder brother |
Thomas Cousins Birth: 1743 37 — Bemerton, Wiltshire, England Death: |
3 years elder brother |
Richard Cousins Birth: before April 14, 1746 40 — Bemerton, Wiltshire, England Death: before April 1753 |
3 years elder sister |
Mary Cousins Birth: 1748 42 — Wiltshire, England Death: |
2 years elder sister |
Sarah Cousins Birth: 1749 43 — Bemerton, Wiltshire, England Death: 1802 — Bemerton, Wiltshire, England |
4 years elder brother |
Richard Cuzans Birth: before April 4, 1753 47 — Bemerton, Wiltshire, England Death: 1807 — Bemerton, Wiltshire, England |
5 years herself |
Mary Cousins Birth: 1757 51 — Bemerton, Wiltshire, England Death: 1767 — Bemerton, Wiltshire, England |