Goodwin CarletonAge: 94 years1810–1904
- Name
- Goodwin Carleton
- Given names
- Goodwin
- Surname
- Carleton
Birth | July 5, 1810 34 34 |
Birth of a sister | Margaret Jane Carleton March 5, 1813 (Age 2 years) |
Birth of a brother | Thomas Carleton May 12, 1815 (Age 4 years) |
Birth of a sister | Elizabeth Sarah Carleton October 21, 1817 (Age 7 years) |
Birth of a brother | Samuel Carleton December 30, 1822 (Age 12 years) |
Religious marriage | Mary Anne MacNeill — View this family October 15, 1833 (Age 23 years) |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Anne Jane Carleton October 7, 1834 (Age 24 years) |
Birth of a daughter #2 | Emily Carleton November 15, 1836 (Age 26 years) |
Birth of a son #3 | William MacNeill Carleton January 7, 1839 (Age 28 years) |
Birth of a son #4 | Thomas Carleton May 28, 1841 (Age 30 years) |
Birth of a son #5 | Samuel Carleton July 16, 1843 (Age 33 years) |
Death of a son | Thomas Carleton May 9, 1844 (Age 33 years) |
Death of a son | Samuel Carleton May 31, 1844 (Age 33 years) |
Birth of a son #6 | Thomas Carleton April 18, 1845 (Age 34 years) |
Birth of a son #7 | Commissioner John Aicken “Jack” Carleton May 21, 1848 (Age 37 years) |
Birth of a son #8 | Henry Clarke Carleton June 2, 1850 (Age 39 years) |
Birth of a son #9 | Richard Craig Carleton June 3, 1855 (Age 44 years) |
Death of a son | Richard Craig Carleton January 13, 1856 (Age 45 years) |
Marriage of a child | Samuel Flemming — Emily Carleton — View this family Type: Religious marriage July 8, 1863 (Age 53 years) |
Marriage of a child | Commissioner John Aicken “Jack” Carleton — Rebecca Janis Alice “Jennie” Earls — View this family Type: Religious marriage June 8, 1870 (Age 59 years) |
Occupation | Book Keeper 1870 (Age 59 years) |
Death of a wife | Mary Anne MacNeill March 4, 1893 (Age 82 years) |
Death of a daughter | Anne Jane Carleton June 15, 1896 (Age 85 years) |
Death | December 4, 1904 (Age 94 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Thomas Carleton Birth: 1776 Death: |
mother |
Anne Sheppard Birth: estimated 1776 Death: |
Marriage: July 27, 1805 — Cookstown, Tyronne, Ireland |
9 months elder sister |
Agnes Carleton Birth: May 8, 1806 30 30 Death: |
23 months elder brother |
Goodwin Carleton Birth: April 4, 1808 32 32 Death: |
2 years himself |
Goodwin Carleton Birth: July 5, 1810 34 34 — Portglenone, Antrim, Ireland Death: December 4, 1904 — Londonderry, Ireland |
3 years younger sister |
Margaret Jane Carleton Birth: March 5, 1813 37 37 — Cookstown, Tyronne, Ireland Death: |
2 years younger brother |
Thomas Carleton Birth: May 12, 1815 39 39 — Cookstown, Tyronne, Ireland Death: |
2 years younger sister |
Elizabeth Sarah Carleton Birth: October 21, 1817 41 41 — Cookstown, Tyronne, Ireland Death: |
5 years younger brother |
Samuel Carleton Birth: December 30, 1822 46 46 — Belfast, Antrim, Ireland Death: |
Family with Mary Anne MacNeill |
himself |
Goodwin Carleton Birth: July 5, 1810 34 34 — Portglenone, Antrim, Ireland Death: December 4, 1904 — Londonderry, Ireland |
wife |
Mary Anne MacNeill Birth: January 20, 1814 19 19 — Tully, Antrim, Ireland Death: March 4, 1893 — Londonderry, Ireland |
Marriage: October 15, 1833 — Seapatrick, Down, Ireland |
1 year daughter |
Anne Jane Carleton Birth: October 7, 1834 24 20 — Seapatrick, Down, Ireland Death: June 15, 1896 — Seapatrick, Down, Ireland |
2 years daughter |
Emily Carleton Birth: November 15, 1836 26 22 — Seapatrick, Down, Ireland Death: |
2 years son |
William MacNeill Carleton Birth: January 7, 1839 28 24 — Seapatrick, Down, Ireland Death: |
2 years son |
Thomas Carleton Birth: May 28, 1841 30 27 — Gilford, Down, Ireland Death: May 9, 1844 |
2 years son |
Samuel Carleton Birth: July 16, 1843 33 29 — Lisburn, Antrim, Ireland Death: May 31, 1844 |
21 months son |
Thomas Carleton Birth: April 18, 1845 34 31 — Drodheda, Louth, Ireland Death: |
3 years son |
Birth: May 21, 1848 37 34 — Cromas Street, Belfast, Antrim, Ireland Death: June 21, 1934 — Greta Nursing Home, Blyth Rd, Bromley, Kent, England |
2 years son |
Henry Clarke Carleton Birth: June 2, 1850 39 36 — Lisburn, Antrim, Ireland Death: |
5 years son |
Richard Craig Carleton Birth: June 3, 1855 44 41 — Belfast, Antrim, Ireland Death: January 13, 1856 |
Birth | The Heward family records have a place of birth as Portglemore, Bunoranna? I can find no link to either of these words on google, does this place exist? I have seen numerous connections between the Carletons and Buncrana in Donegal. Could this be the place? I have also fond on IGI Goodwin Carleton recorded as born in Portglenone,Antrim - I'll go for this for now |