Marjorie CocksedgeAge: 85 years1919–2005
- Name
- Marjorie Cocksedge
Birth | June 1919 40 33 |
Death of a maternal grandfather | William James Rice April 21, 1922 (Age 2 years) Note: The entry was seen by Dad and read William James Rice. He ordered a copy of the register and that is what I have a copy of. On this the name was mis-transcribed as William Charles Rice.
Burial of a maternal grandfather | William James Rice April 26, 1922 (Age 2 years) Note: The entry was seen by Dad and read William James Rice. He ordered a copy of the register and that is what I have a copy of. On this the name was mis-transcribed as William Charles Rice.
Death of a paternal grandfather | George Cocksedge September 20, 1932 (Age 13 years) |
Death of a maternal grandmother | Emily Cocksedge September 22, 1932 (Age 13 years) |
Death of a father | Edward Cocksedge November 17, 1946 (Age 27 years) |
Death of a mother | Agnes Mary Rice 1954 (Age 34 years) |
Residence | Address: 2 White Elm Road
IP30 9SQ |
Death | February 2, 2005 (Age 85 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Edward Cocksedge Birth: about 1879 36 Death: November 17, 1946 — Bradfield, Suffolk, England |
mother |
Agnes Mary Rice Birth: about 1886 43 40 — Woolpit, Suffolk, England Death: 1954 — Woolpit, Suffolk, England |
sister |
Private |
herself |
Marjorie Cocksedge Birth: June 1919 40 33 Death: February 2, 2005 — Woolpit, Suffolk, England |