Stanley Wilfred HewardAge: 42 years1900–1943
- Name
- Stanley Wilfred Heward
- Given names
- Stanley Wilfred
- Surname
- Heward
Birth | December 6, 1900 29 32 |
Death | January 28, 1943 (Age 42 years) Cause of death: Typhoid Fever |
Family with parents |
father |
William Heward Birth: July 13, 1871 23 22 — Penge, London, England Death: |
mother |
Elizabeth Atkins Birth: October 26, 1868 26 25 — Weston Turville, Buckinghamshire, England Death: |
Marriage: July 16, 1894 — |
6 years himself |
Birth: December 6, 1900 29 32 — 42 Barnwell Road, Brixton, London, England Death: January 28, 1943 |
Family with Madeline Marguerite Lewis |
himself |
Birth: December 6, 1900 29 32 — 42 Barnwell Road, Brixton, London, England Death: January 28, 1943 |
wife |
Birth: July 13, 1905 34 32 — South London, London, England Death: July 15, 2000 — Worthing, Sussex, England |
son |
Private |
son |
Private |
Media object | Stanley Heward.JPG Format: image/jpeg Image dimensions: 397 × 653 pixels File size: 25 KB Type: Photo |