Jane StareAge: 46 years1580–1626
- Name
- Jane Stare
- Married name
- Jane Randall
Birth | about 1580 32 |
Marriage | Jasper Randall — View this family 1601 (Age 21 years) |
Birth of a son #1 | Jasper Randall 1602 (Age 22 years) Note: I've seen the date 1602 on various websites but have yet to get primary evidence.
Birth of a daughter #2 | Jane Randall estimated 1604 (Age 24 years) Note: I've seen 1604 on various websites but I have no primary proof. It does fit the other information I have though.
Birth of a son #3 | John Randall about 1606 (Age 26 years) |
Birth of a daughter #4 | Anne Randall estimated 1608 (Age 28 years) Note: Ive seen 1604 on various websites - it seems about right but I have no primary evidence
Death of a brother | Thomas Stare February 1, 1624 (Age 44 years) |
Death of a husband | Jasper Randall before 1626 (Age 46 years) |
Death of a brother | Edmund Stare after 1625 (Age 45 years) Note: Death date is after 1625 as he is mentioned as alive in his sisters will of 1626.
Death | between 1626 and 1627 (Age 46 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Thomas Stare Birth: about 1548 Death: |
mother |
Anne … Death: |
Marriage: 1573 — Hampshire, England |
sister |
Elizabeth Stare Death: |
elder brother |
Thomas Stare Birth: estimated 1578 30 Death: February 1, 1624 |
brother |
Edmund Stare Death: after 1625 |
herself |
Jane Stare Birth: about 1580 32 Death: between 1626 and 1627 |
sister |
Hannah Stare Death: |
brother |
William Stare Death: |
sister |
Alice Stare Death: |
brother |
John Stare Death: |
Family with Jasper Randall |
husband |
Jasper Randall Birth: about 1576 Death: before 1626 |
herself |
Jane Stare Birth: about 1580 32 Death: between 1626 and 1627 |
Marriage: 1601 — |
2 years son |
Jasper Randall Birth: 1602 26 22 Death: |
3 years daughter |
Jane Randall Birth: estimated 1604 28 24 Death: |
3 years son |
John Randall Birth: about 1606 30 26 Death: January 11, 1682 |
3 years daughter |
Anne Randall Birth: estimated 1608 32 28 Death: |