William BoundsAge: 36 years1805–1841
- Name
- William Bounds
Birth | before 1805 Note: Based on date of birth of children
Marriage | Elizabeth Batt — View this family November 24, 1812 (Age 7 years) |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Diana Bounds about 1817 (Age 12 years) |
Birth of a daughter #2 | Sarah Bounds about 1819 (Age 14 years) |
Birth of a daughter #3 | Jane Bounds about 1821 (Age 16 years) |
Death | estimated 1841 (Age 36 years) Note: Estimate is based on his absence from the 1841 census
Family with Elizabeth Batt |
himself |
William Bounds Birth: before 1805 Death: estimated 1841 |
wife |
Elizabeth Batt Birth: about 1790 30 30 Death: 1874 |
Marriage: November 24, 1812 — Upper Clatford, Hampshire, England |
5 years daughter |
Diana Bounds Birth: about 1817 12 27 Death: |
3 years daughter |
Sarah Bounds Birth: about 1819 14 29 Death: 1898 |
3 years daughter |
Jane Bounds Birth: about 1821 16 31 — Upper Clatford, Hampshire, England Death: April 13, 1878 — Upper Clatford, Hampshire, England |
Birth | Based on date of birth of children |
Death | Estimate is based on his absence from the 1841 census |