Maria GladingAge: 7 years1876–1883
- Name
- Maria Glading
Birth | about 1876 26 25 |
Birth of a sister | Florence Glading about 1877 (Age 12 months) |
Birth of a brother | John Joseph Glading December 19, 1878 (Age 2 years) |
Birth of a brother | Thomas Glading March 1881 (Age 5 years) |
Death | about 1883 (Age 7 years) Cause of death: Shock/ Heart Attack |
Family with parents |
father |
Birth: August 14, 1849 40 35 — Sparnon Moor, St Mewan, Cornwall, England Death: December 14, 1913 — 12 Elliott Road, Plymouth, Devon, England |
mother |
Birth: January 17, 1850 33 29 — 7 Hanover Street, St Augustines, Bristol, Gloucestershire, England Death: July 3, 1901 — Doctor's surgery, Oak Hall, East Ham, Essex, England |
Marriage: August 18, 1872 — Trinity church, St Mary Newington, Southwark, London, England |
16 months elder sister |
Emily Glading Birth: about 1873 23 22 — London, Surrey, England Death: |
2 years elder brother |
Richard Glading Birth: about 1874 24 23 — Luton, Bedfordshire, England Death: |
3 years herself |
Maria Glading Birth: about 1876 26 25 — Christ Church, Surrey, England Death: about 1883 |
2 years younger sister |
Florence Glading Birth: about 1877 27 26 — London, Surrey, England Death: |
2 years younger brother |
Birth: December 19, 1878 29 28 — 20 Charles Street, Christ Church, Surrey, England Death: September 26, 1927 — Farnborough and Cove War Memorial Hospital, Farnborough, Hampshire, England |
2 years younger brother |
Thomas Glading Birth: March 1881 31 31 — London, Surrey, England Death: about 1956 |
6 years younger sister |
Agnes Glading Birth: about 1886 36 35 — Beckton, Essex, England Death: |
4 years younger sister |
Bertha Glading Birth: about 1889 39 38 — Beckton, Essex, England Death: |
-4 years younger sister |
Mary Glading Birth: about 1884 34 33 — Beckton, Essex, England Death: |
1 year younger sister |
Nellie Glading Birth: about 1884 34 33 — Beckton, Essex, England Death: |
Father’s family with Emily Jane Toogood |
father |
Birth: August 14, 1849 40 35 — Sparnon Moor, St Mewan, Cornwall, England Death: December 14, 1913 — 12 Elliott Road, Plymouth, Devon, England |
step-mother |
Marriage: October 4, 1902 — Parish Church, Little Ilford, Essex, England |
Shared note | There was a railway line in a cutting at the bottom of the garden. When Maria was seven years old she saw her friend, an elderly gentleman who was stone deaf, walking on the railway line when a train was coming. She waved to attract his attention, but he waved back cheerfully, quite unaware of the danger, and he was knocked down and killed. Maria raced back to the house, blurted out the story, and then fell dead herself. |