Samuel Richard PethrickAge: 82 years1909–1992
- Name
- Samuel Richard Pethrick
Birth | December 23, 1909 |
Alias | /Sam/ |
Marriage | Phyllis Annie Glading — View this family September 10, 1938 (Age 28 years) |
Residence | Phyllis Annie Glading — View this family Address: Kimberley, 169 Frimley Green Road
Frimley Green, Hampshire
GU16 6JY |
Death | January 22, 1992 (Age 82 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Pe Pethrick Death: |
elder brother |
? Pethrick Birth: about 1898 Death: about 1903 |
2 years elder brother |
? Pethrick Birth: about 1899 Death: about 1903 |
2 years elder sister |
Joyce Pethrick Birth: about 1900 Death: |
2 years elder sister |
Dorothy Pethrick Birth: about 1901 Death: |
2 years elder sister |
Ella Pethrick Birth: about 1902 Death: |
8 years himself |
Samuel Richard Pethrick Birth: December 23, 1909 Death: January 22, 1992 |
Family with Phyllis Annie Glading |
himself |
Samuel Richard Pethrick Birth: December 23, 1909 Death: January 22, 1992 |
wife |
Birth: November 12, 1905 26 27 Death: November 2, 1996 — Church Crookham, Hampshire, England |
Marriage: September 10, 1938 — Cove Parish Church, Cove, Hampshire, England |
Shared note | A very clever man who worked for British Petroleum. He was always the first with any new gadget. His original phone number was Deepcut 4. |