Phyllis Annie GladingAge: 90 years1905–1996
- Name
- Phyllis Annie Glading
- Married name
- Phyllis Annie Pethrick
Birth | November 12, 1905 26 27 |
Alias | /Phyllis/ |
Birth of a brother | Frank Thomas Glading July 21, 1909 (Age 3 years) |
Birth of a sister | Vera Jessie Glading August 1, 1911 (Age 5 years) |
Death of a paternal grandfather | John Glading December 14, 1913 (Age 8 years) Cause: Cardiac Valvular Disease (Mitral) |
Birth of a sister | Marjorie Eleanor Glading January 26, 1914 (Age 8 years) |
Death of a maternal grandfather | Charles Carling February 19, 1924 (Age 18 years) Cause: Heart Failure due to Myocarditis and Pneumonia probably if influenza type |
Death of a father | John Joseph Glading September 26, 1927 (Age 21 years) Cause: Intestinal obstruction, Abdominal adhesion, General Peritonitis and Acute Appendicitis Nil |
Marriage | Samuel Richard Pethrick — View this family September 10, 1938 (Age 32 years) |
Death of a maternal grandmother | Jane Gorham October 19, 1940 (Age 34 years) |
Death of a mother | Jessie Maria Carling May 1, 1968 (Age 62 years) Cause: Myocardial Infarction |
Death of a sister | Vera Jessie Glading February 23, 1985 (Age 79 years) Cause: Parkinsons Disease |
Death of a husband | Samuel Richard Pethrick January 22, 1992 (Age 86 years) |
Death of a brother | John Charles Glading December 16, 1994 (Age 89 years) |
Residence | Samuel Richard Pethrick — View this family Address: Kimberley, 169 Frimley Green Road
Frimley Green, Hampshire
GU16 6JY |
Death | November 2, 1996 (Age 90 years) Cause of death: Parkinsons Disease |
Family with parents |
father |
Birth: December 19, 1878 29 28 — 20 Charles Street, Christ Church, Surrey, England Death: September 26, 1927 — Farnborough and Cove War Memorial Hospital, Farnborough, Hampshire, England |
mother |
Birth: April 12, 1878 30 29 — 75 Fisher Street, Plaistow, West Ham, Essex, England Death: May 1, 1968 — 169 Frimley Green Road, Frimley Green, Surrey, England |
Marriage: October 4, 1902 — Holy Trinity church, Barking Road, London, England |
15 months elder brother |
Birth: January 17, 1904 25 25 Death: December 16, 1994 — Ipswich, Suffolk, England |
22 months herself |
Birth: November 12, 1905 26 27 Death: November 2, 1996 — Church Crookham, Hampshire, England |
4 years younger brother |
Birth: July 21, 1909 30 31 Death: April 16, 1997 — Frimley Park Hospital, Frimley, Surrey, England |
2 years younger sister |
3 years younger sister |
Birth: January 26, 1914 35 35 — Hare Street, Great Parndon, Harlow, Epping, Essex, England Death: November 10, 2005 — Somerset, England |
Family with Samuel Richard Pethrick |
husband |
Samuel Richard Pethrick Birth: December 23, 1909 Death: January 22, 1992 |
herself |
Birth: November 12, 1905 26 27 Death: November 2, 1996 — Church Crookham, Hampshire, England |
Marriage: September 10, 1938 — Cove Parish Church, Cove, Hampshire, England |
Shared note | Worked at the Royal Aircraft Factory (later Royal Aircraft Establishment or RAE to avoid confusion with the Royal Air Force or RAF) |
Media object | Phylis_Glading.jpg Format: image/jpeg Image dimensions: 242 × 332 pixels File size: 13 KB Type: Photo |