James ParsonsAge: 80 years1794–1874
- Name
- James Parsons
Birth | about 1794 30 26 |
Baptism | April 27, 1794 |
Birth of a brother | Miles Parsons about 1796 (Age 2 years) |
Death of a brother | Miles Parsons 1796 (Age 2 years) |
Birth of a sibling | … Parsons 1802 (Age 8 years) |
Death of a sibling | … Parsons 1802 (Age 8 years) |
Death of a paternal grandmother | Mary Hurdle March 1809 (Age 15 years) |
Burial of a paternal grandmother | Mary Hurdle March 20, 1809 (Age 15 years) |
Religious marriage | Sarah Parsons — View this family January 6, 1824 (Age 30 years) |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Pheobe Parsons March 9, 1825 (Age 31 years) |
Birth of a daughter #2 | Elizabeth Parsons September 17, 1826 (Age 32 years) |
Birth of a daughter #3 | Sarah Parsons April 26, 1829 (Age 35 years) |
Birth of a daughter #4 | Emma Jane Parsons February 1, 1831 (Age 37 years) |
Death of a father | John Parsons July 1832 (Age 38 years) |
Burial of a father | John Parsons July 22, 1832 (Age 38 years) |
Birth of a son #5 | Charles Parsons March 13, 1833 (Age 39 years) |
Birth of a daughter #6 | Judith Parsons January 23, 1835 (Age 41 years) |
Death of a paternal grandfather | John Parsons March 1835 (Age 41 years) |
Burial of a paternal grandfather | John Parsons April 5, 1835 (Age 41 years) |
Birth of a son #7 | John Parsons January 31, 1837 (Age 43 years) |
Birth of a daughter #8 | Amelia Parsons about 1839 (Age 45 years) |
Birth of a daughter #9 | Lavinia Parsons about 1840 (Age 46 years) |
Birth of a daughter #10 | Emley Parsons about 1841 (Age 47 years) |
Birth of a daughter #11 | Selina Parsons about 1845 (Age 51 years) |
Birth of a daughter #12 | Ellen Parsons about 1847 (Age 53 years) |
Death of a mother | Hannah Potter 1850 (Age 56 years) |
Burial of a mother | Hannah Potter January 19, 1850 (Age 56 years) |
Occupation | Farmer 1851 (Age 57 years) |
Death of a wife | Sarah Parsons 1853 (Age 59 years) |
Death of a daughter | Emma Jane Parsons 1853 (Age 59 years) |
Marriage of a child | William Osmond — Elizabeth Parsons — View this family after 1853 (Age 59 years) |
Marriage of a child | John Kneller — Sarah Parsons — View this family February 28, 1854 (Age 60 years) |
Marriage of a child | John Hall — Judith Parsons — View this family 1861 (Age 67 years) |
Occupation | Brickmaker 1861 (Age 67 years) |
Birth of a son #13 | George James Parsons about 1870 (Age 76 years) Address: The 1871 census is not clear but it appears to state the place of birth a Poole Union. |
Occupation | Farmer of 5 acres 1871 (Age 77 years) |
Death | April 17, 1874 (Age 80 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
John Parsons Birth: about 1764 24 26 — Lytchett Matravers, Dorset, England Death: July 1832 — Lytchett Matravers, Dorset, England |
mother |
Hannah Potter Birth: 1768 Death: 1850 — Lytchett Matravers, Dorset, England |
Marriage: April 2, 1793 — Wareham, Dorset, England |
21 months himself |
James Parsons Birth: about 1794 30 26 — Lytchett Matravers, Dorset, England Death: April 17, 1874 |
3 years younger brother |
Miles Parsons Birth: about 1796 32 28 Death: 1796 |
7 years younger sibling |
… Parsons Birth: 1802 38 34 — Lytchett Matravers, Dorset, England Death: 1802 — Lytchett Matravers, Dorset, England |
Father’s family with Mary Hiscock |
father |
John Parsons Birth: about 1764 24 26 — Lytchett Matravers, Dorset, England Death: July 1832 — Lytchett Matravers, Dorset, England |
step-mother |
Mary Hiscock Death: April 1792 — Lytchett Matravers, Dorset, England |
Marriage: October 16, 1787 — Lytchett Matravers, Dorset, England |
Family with Sarah Parsons |
himself |
James Parsons Birth: about 1794 30 26 — Lytchett Matravers, Dorset, England Death: April 17, 1874 |
wife |
Sarah Parsons Birth: about 1804 29 34 — Lytchett Matravers, Dorset, England Death: 1853 |
Marriage: January 6, 1824 — Lytchett Matravers, Dorset, England |
14 months daughter |
Pheobe Parsons Birth: March 9, 1825 31 21 Death: |
18 months daughter |
Elizabeth Parsons Birth: September 17, 1826 32 22 Death: |
3 years daughter |
Sarah Parsons Birth: April 26, 1829 35 25 — Lytchett Matravers, Dorset, England Death: November 14, 1914 — Longstock, Hampshire, England |
21 months daughter |
Emma Jane Parsons Birth: February 1, 1831 37 27 Death: 1853 |
2 years son |
Charles Parsons Birth: March 13, 1833 39 29 — Lytchett Matravers, Dorset, England Death: June 7, 1905 — Lytchett Matravers, Dorset, England |
22 months daughter |
Judith Parsons Birth: January 23, 1835 41 31 Death: |
2 years son |
John Parsons Birth: January 31, 1837 43 33 Death: 1908 |
3 years daughter |
Amelia Parsons Birth: about 1839 45 35 Death: |
2 years daughter |
Lavinia Parsons Birth: about 1840 46 36 — Lytchett Matravers, Dorset, England Death: |
2 years daughter |
Emley Parsons Birth: about 1841 47 37 — Lytchett Matravers, Dorset, England Death: |
5 years daughter |
Selina Parsons Birth: about 1845 51 41 — Lytchett Matravers, Dorset, England Death: |
3 years daughter |
Ellen Parsons Birth: about 1847 53 43 — Lytchett Matravers, Dorset, England Death: |
Family with Unknown … |
himself |
James Parsons Birth: about 1794 30 26 — Lytchett Matravers, Dorset, England Death: April 17, 1874 |
wife |
Unknown … Death: |
son |
George James Parsons Birth: about 1870 76 — Poole Union, Poole, Dorset, England Death: |