Reginald Harwood SherwoodAge: 76 years1910–1986
- Name
- Reginald Harwood Sherwood
Birth | about 1910 |
Alias | Reg /Sherwood/ |
Death | December 25, 1986 (Age 76 years) |
Family with parents |
elder brother |
Joseph Sherwood Birth: about 1900 Death: |
6 years elder brother |
Albert Sherwood Birth: about 1905 Death: |
6 years himself |
Reginald Harwood Sherwood Birth: about 1910 Death: December 25, 1986 — Andover, Hampshire, England |
Family with Ruby Rosella Pearl |
himself |
Reginald Harwood Sherwood Birth: about 1910 Death: December 25, 1986 — Andover, Hampshire, England |
wife |
Birth: June 3, 1921 42 45 — Abbotts Ann, Hampshire, England Death: May 24, 1994 — Andover, Hampshire, England |
daughter |
Private |