Cozens Family Tree


Jessie Maria CarlingAge: 90 years18781968

Jessie Maria Carling
Married name
Jessie Maria Glading
Birth April 12, 1878 30 29
Jessie /Carling/

Birth of a sisterAnnie Maude Carling
October 6, 1879 (Age 17 months)
Birth of a brotherCharles Owen Carling
April 5, 1881 (Age 2 years)
Birth of a brotherJohn Carling
October 25, 1882 (Age 4 years)
Birth of a sisterEleanor Carling
September 16, 1884 (Age 6 years)
Birth of a brotherThomas Gorham Carling
November 4, 1886 (Age 8 years)
Birth of a brotherFrank Tarrant Carling
September 21, 1889 (Age 11 years)
MarriageJohn Joseph GladingView this family
October 4, 1902 (Age 24 years)
Birth of a son
John Charles Glading
January 17, 1904 (Age 25 years)

Birth of a daughter
Phyllis Annie Glading
November 12, 1905 (Age 27 years)

Birth of a son
Frank Thomas Glading
July 21, 1909 (Age 31 years)

Birth of a daughter
Vera Jessie Glading
August 1, 1911 (Age 33 years)

Birth of a daughter
Marjorie Eleanor Glading
January 26, 1914 (Age 35 years)
Death of a fatherCharles Carling
February 19, 1924 (Age 45 years)
Cause: Heart Failure due to Myocarditis and Pneumonia probably if influenza type
Death of a husbandJohn Joseph Glading
September 26, 1927 (Age 49 years)
Cause: Intestinal obstruction, Abdominal adhesion, General Peritonitis and Acute Appendicitis Nil
Marriage of a childSamuel Richard PethrickPhyllis Annie GladingView this family
September 10, 1938 (Age 60 years)
Death of a motherJane Gorham
October 19, 1940 (Age 62 years)

Death of a brotherJohn Carling
November 15, 1945 (Age 67 years)

Death of a brotherFrank Tarrant Carling
July 3, 1950 (Age 72 years)

Death of a brotherCharles Owen Carling
October 1, 1957 (Age 79 years)
Address: 2 Darlinghurst Road , Folkestone , Kent
Cause: Cerebral Haemorrage, Hypertensive Cardiac Failure, Senility
Death of a brotherThomas Gorham Carling
June 11, 1958 (Age 80 years)
Death of a sisterHarriet Ada Carling
before 1960 (Age 81 years)

Death of a sisterAnnie Maude Carling
before 1960 (Age 81 years)

Death of a sisterEleanor Carling
August 12, 1967 (Age 89 years)
Cause: Secondary Carcinomatosis, Carcinoma of Colon
Address: 9 Guildford Road FARNBOROUGH Hampshire
ResidenceJohn Joseph GladingView this family

Address: Royston Villa, Victoria Road FARNBOROUGH Hampshire
Death May 1, 1968 (Age 90 years)
Cause of death: Myocardial Infarction
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: December 18, 1875St James Church, Islington, London, England
11 months
elder sister
Harriet Ada Carling
Birth: November 4, 1876 28 2775 Fisher Street, Plaistow, West Ham, Essex, England
Death: before 1960
17 months
18 months
younger sister
Annie Maude Carling
Birth: October 6, 1879 31 3075 Fisher Street, Plaistow, West Ham, Essex, England
Death: before 1960
18 months
younger brother
Charles Owen Carling
Birth: April 5, 1881 33 3275 Fisher Street, Plaistow, West Ham, Essex, England
Death: October 1, 1957Folkestone, Kent, England
19 months
younger brother
John Carling
Birth: October 25, 1882 34 3375 Fisher Street, Plaistow, West Ham, Essex, England
Death: November 15, 1945
23 months
younger sister
Eleanor Carling
Birth: September 16, 1884 36 3575 Fisher Street, Plaistow, West Ham, Essex, England
Death: August 12, 1967Farnborough and Cove War Memorial Hospital, Farnborough, Hampshire, England
2 years
younger brother
Thomas Gorham Carling
Birth: November 4, 1886 38 3775 Fisher Street, Plaistow, West Ham, Essex, England
Death: June 11, 1958Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
3 years
younger brother
Frank Tarrant Carling
Birth: September 21, 1889 41 4075 Fisher Street, Plaistow, West Ham, Essex, England
Death: July 3, 1950
Family with John Joseph Glading - View this family
John_Joseph_Glading.jpgJohn Joseph Glading
Birth: December 19, 1878 29 2820 Charles Street, Christ Church, Surrey, England
Death: September 26, 1927Farnborough and Cove War Memorial Hospital, Farnborough, Hampshire, England
Marriage: October 4, 1902Holy Trinity church, Barking Road, London, England
15 months
22 months
4 years
2 years
3 years
Marjorie Cozens (nee Glading)Marjorie Eleanor Glading
Birth: January 26, 1914 35 35Hare Street, Great Parndon, Harlow, Epping, Essex, England
Death: November 10, 2005Somerset, England

Shared note

Her uncle made up a rhyme about her name: Jessie Maria, Sophie Sophia, Kitty Matilda, Susan Jane.

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Media objectJohn Joseph Glading and Jessie Maria Carling wedding 1902John Joseph Glading and Jessie Maria Carling wedding 1902
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Note: From Ronald Glading, text is written by his parents: