Cozens Family Tree

Marjorie Cozens (nee Glading)

Marjorie Eleanor GladingAge: 91 years19142005

Marjorie Eleanor Glading
Married name
Marjorie Eleanor Cozens
Birth January 26, 1914 35 35
Marjorie /Glading/

Death of a maternal grandfatherCharles Carling
February 19, 1924 (Age 10 years)
Cause: Heart Failure due to Myocarditis and Pneumonia probably if influenza type
Death of a fatherJohn Joseph Glading
September 26, 1927 (Age 13 years)
Cause: Intestinal obstruction, Abdominal adhesion, General Peritonitis and Acute Appendicitis Nil
Death of a maternal grandmotherJane Gorham
October 19, 1940 (Age 26 years)

Death of a motherJessie Maria Carling
May 1, 1968 (Age 54 years)
Cause: Myocardial Infarction
Death of a husbandWilliam Harold Cozens
July 16, 1984 (Age 70 years)
Cause: Renal failure, Ischaemic heart disease, Diabetes, Controlled thyrotoxicosis
Burial of a husbandWilliam Harold Cozens
July 1984 (Age 70 years)
Note: ilminster Cemetery
Death of a sisterVera Jessie Glading
February 23, 1985 (Age 71 years)

Cause: Parkinsons Disease
Death of a brotherJohn Charles Glading
December 16, 1994 (Age 80 years)
Death of a sisterPhyllis Annie Glading
November 2, 1996 (Age 82 years)
Cause: Parkinsons Disease
Death of a brotherFrank Thomas Glading
April 16, 1997 (Age 83 years)
Death November 10, 2005 (Age 91 years)
Burial November 2005 (Age 91 years)
Address: ilminster Cemetery
Family with parents - View this family
John_Joseph_Glading.jpgJohn Joseph Glading
Birth: December 19, 1878 29 2820 Charles Street, Christ Church, Surrey, England
Death: September 26, 1927Farnborough and Cove War Memorial Hospital, Farnborough, Hampshire, England
Marriage: October 4, 1902Holy Trinity church, Barking Road, London, England
15 months
elder brother
22 months
elder sister
4 years
elder brother
2 years
elder sister
3 years
Marjorie Cozens (nee Glading)Marjorie Eleanor Glading
Birth: January 26, 1914 35 35Hare Street, Great Parndon, Harlow, Epping, Essex, England
Death: November 10, 2005Somerset, England
Family with William Harold Cozens - View this family
William Harold CozensWilliam Harold Cozens
Birth: October 20, 1911 43 44Longstock, Hampshire, England
Death: July 16, 1984Musgrove Park Hospital, Taunton, Somerset, England
Marjorie Cozens (nee Glading)Marjorie Eleanor Glading
Birth: January 26, 1914 35 35Hare Street, Great Parndon, Harlow, Epping, Essex, England
Death: November 10, 2005Somerset, England

Shared note

A very sickly child, but grew up to be a very attractive young lady. When she spurned one young man's advances, he committed suicide! She met her husband at Winchester Art School. After two short term jobs, she worked for Farnborough Royal Aircraft Establishment until her marriage.

She was busy with child raising for many years. Her husband joined up and left home in August 1941 and a few days later she had to leave her 3 year old daughter (Joy) with her two grandmothers and went into a nursing home to have her son (Ray). Confinement lasted 2 weeks in those days, and she returned home to find her little angel had been playing her grandmothers up no end.

For the next five years she brought the family up single handed, although having a series of people billetted with her during the war. One of these was a teacher, Miss Langford, who stayed at the Ilminster Girls' Grammar School long term. Another family was that of Ralph and Elf Kingsley (refugees because, although non practising, they were classified as Jews by the Germans.) Their first child, a daughter Patricia, was born while they lived at Ilminster.

In 1956 she started teaching art part time at the Ilminster Girls' Grammar School, starting there the same day as her younger daughter (Susan.)

Media objectMarjorie Cozens (nee Glading)Marjorie Cozens (nee Glading)
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Media objectMarjorie Cozens (nee Glading)Marjorie Cozens (nee Glading)
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